The Fame Game

I was asked this today in an email from a fan:

"Do you ever wonder why you're not famous already???"

This was my reply:

"I only started on this trail last October and since then have gradually been writing and rehearsing my songs to totally get my act together, so to speak. Fame? I don't chase fame, I chase my passion and I love my music regardless, because it means something to me. People can spend $millions on promoting themselves and still not achieve 'fame'. When I am totally ready I will likely send out to A&R companies and try and set up some live dates and after that it is all out of my hands. I am not an X-Factor or Big Brother wannabe, so 'fame' is not my game, but my objective is to get my music heard and liked by as many people as I can and if that = fame, then so be it :) If you can help me with that by sharing my music and 'liking' me in Facebook etc and telling all your friends then that is a small and very welcomed help and start for me."

I hope that answers anybody else's questions too or those who may think this is a passing phase for me or I'm totally off my trolley! It may have started out as a project, but in my own mind I loved my songs and knew I was falling in love again with my music and finding my real centre again. Since then I am improving my work and it's all coming back to me now.